Monday, March 31, 2014


I have seizures often. Usually I have multiple ones one after another for about 15 minutes. They are so tiring and exhausting to experience. When I get in these daily situations, I pray for a blessing from Heavenly Father. I can often feel literal hands on my head and my seizures will stop. We just have to ask for strength. He knows what we need, but we have to acknowledge our need and he's more than happy to give it to us. When we feel like we have no place to turn, we can always turn to Heavenly Father.

Name withheld, Keystone Heights, Florida

Friday, March 28, 2014

I found myself collapsing to my knees

One day, my son was on his way home from daycare. He rode the bus home and was supposed to get off the bus like any normal day. He never came home. I started looking everywhere for him. I called the police. I called everyone. I frantically went to the school looking for him. It was a dark and cold night. I found myself collapsing to my knees in the middle of the school's cold breezeway praying with all my heart. I have never been so desperate in my entire life. Soon after, I heard that my son's bus driver was cleaning her bus that night and found my son asleep in one of the seats. I know at that moment of fear, I had no where to turn except to God. I know that God is always there. He will answers prayers of any kind. He answered mine in such a crucial desperate moment. We need to take the time to stop and ask. Prayer is available to us every day, all day. Prayer is my daily bread. He answers our prayers, and he helps us with what we need. Even over the most mundane daily things. He's there for us every day. Whenever we need help. Whatever it is. We're cheating God when we don't allow him to serve us and to answer our prayers.

Name withheld, Keystone Heights, Florida

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Overcoming Despair

There are many ways I stay close to Jesus. Every day, I read my scriptures because when I read my scriptures, I feel like Jesus is talking to me. Some other things I do every week to help me stay close to Him is praying, going to church, and sharing the gospel with others. When I'm faced with opposition, I can always read the scriptures or do any of the things that I have listed to feel close to my Heavenly Father. We all know that Satan is really good at tempting us but we have power over him through Christ. 

Jesus Christ is there for us. We can always turn to Him to find hope and overcome despair, to leave the darkness and turn toward the light of the everlasting gospel. I know that when we leave darkness and turn toward the light of Christ, we are taking the right path. Every choice that comes to me whether I should serve a mission or any other choices, I may be faced with, I always pray to Heavenly Father if I should do it or what would be good for me and Heavenly Father always directs me to what I should do I know. He has a plan for me and I know that He is alive. These are things I do to stay close to my Heavenly Father through trials.

Name withheld, Demorest, Georgia

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Beginning

'Seek the Daily Bread' blog has become a compilation of many weeks of ideas, prayers, advice, and help from divine guidance from above. This blog will become a place where those who see Jesus Christ in their lives daily, can share those moments. This is also a place for those that may struggle with recognizing Jesus Christ in their lives and how they can better see His influence. Through this blog, I hope all, including myself can come to recognize more fully the value of daily nourishment through Jesus Christ in their lives.

Like many of us there have been times that we've been in our lowest of lows, feeling alone, empty and sometimes even a feeling of inadequacy. But through those broken times, we can find good. We can become good. Bread is something that goes through many levels of breaking points,

          Soil is broken to plant wheat.
          Wheat is broken to make bread.
          Bread is broken to become nourishment to our souls.

I know that Jesus Christ has the power to heal our broken hearts, broken souls and broken families. I know that as we seek for Jesus Christ in our lives each day, we will have full nourishment in our lives.

"Daily Bread keeps us aware of the details of our lives and of the significance of the small things that occupy our days."